
BIG Changes Coming 👀

The past few months of the website have been incredible but it's time for some big changes starting today!

If you've been to the website before, you'll notice there's quite a few changes to how it looks. Along with the visual overhaul of the website, with some changes still coming, here's a rundown of some of the other changes live today:

  • Play with or against GGB
  • Ask GGB + receive a video response
  • Become a player in GGB's MLB 24 franchise
  • Memberships reduced to only two options with new changes to each tier

New Special Offers

One of the first things you'll notice is the new Special Offers section. You'll be able to book limited spots to play a game of your choice (from a list) against or with me, send a Cameo-style question my way to receive a video response or become a player in my MLB 24 franchise.

Changes to Memberships

Previously, we had four tiers of Memberships. Two specific tiers were focused entierely on the leagues that I run but those are now in the process of being sunset.

When College Football 25 & Madden 25 both drop later this Summer, the memberships available, Mini REQ & REQ League, will be the only two options. Having the Mini REQ will now give you the ability to play in any single league that I run as long as your membership is active and a spot is available. Having the REQ League will grant you access to play in as many of my leagues as possible.

As a reminder, any league that I run is subject to an approval process. Not everyone will be a great fit for these leagues so just having the pass doesn't mean that you're guaranteed to get access into the league.

Both memberships also feature a ton of additional benefits that give you discounts on merch, special offers, private areas in my Discord & so much more. Rolling the league memberships into these two memberships makes life significantly easier for everyone and gives members much greater value than before.


With this big revamp out of the way, you can expect news on new merch and some giveaways coming in the near future. 

Be safe, be smart & tell somebody you love 'em

✌🏽 GGB