Promo for Members

Become a Player - MLB The Show 24 Franchise

70,07 kr. DKK
5% off for Mini REQ League Members, 15% off for REQ League Pass Members. Promotion auto-applied on checkout.

Each off-season when GoodGameBro drafts players in his MLB The Show 24 franchise draft, you'll get the chance to change the name & appearance of one of his draft prospects.

You'll get to see your story play out as a part of GoodGameBro's franchise mode. Will you still be a member of his franchise? Will you get traded? Will you save the team's season?

Important: This only changes the name of the player, some small visual changes (like skin tone & hair) and additional characteristics about the players. GGB also will not accept profane names or names of real life players (former or current) in any other sport.